LISTEN TOGETHR - Civic Engagement in Black Communities (Pride Decides Special Pt. 2)


Today’s discussion will delve into the historical context of civic participation, the barriers that still exist today, and the innovative ways in which technology and grassroots organizing are empowering Black voices. We’ll also highlight the importance of youth involvement and intersectionality in creating a more inclusive civic space. Together, we will uncover the challenges and celebrate the successes that define Black civic engagement, aiming to inspire action and deepen our understanding of its impact on our communities and beyond.

Your vote is your voice, and it matters now more than ever! Don’t sit on the

sidelines – get involved, get informed, and get ready to make a difference. Join

LGBT Detroit, @AFLCIO, and @FightforDemocracyUS and help us

ensure that every voice is heard this election. This is our democracy, too!

#FightForDemocracy #EngageandEmpower